What is 6529 Gradient?
The 6529 Gradient Collection represents the 6529 symbol in its original two stark black and white forms as well 98 grayscale gradients in-between.
It is the artist's (@6529er) preferred interpretation and genesis drop of his work.
Each of the 100 pieces is represented as a 100% on-chain SVG with a secondary IPFS link.
The 101st piece is Gradient #50 which is a special GIF – it moves!
As always, 6529 fam fights for an Open Metaverse
Total supply of 6529 Gradient is 101 and currently there are 76 holders of 6529 Gradient collection.
What is 6529 Gradient Floor Price?
6529 Gradient floor price is 9.5 ETH. 6529 Gradient floor price changed 0% in last 24 hours. In 24 hours 6529 Gradient total volume reached to 4.66 ETH with 1 sales.