What is Rug Radio - Genesis NFT?
Rug Radioᴳᴹ is the first fully decentralized media platform. What does this mean? It means that our community, our hosts, and you own the platform you participate in. Why is it important? Because we need to own the memes, the conversations and the narrative. Ownership means we each get to decide what we consume, how it's delivered, and we all benefit from the abundance we create through it.
Total supply of Rug Radio - Genesis NFT is 20000 and currently there are 7005 holders of Rug Radio - Genesis NFT collection.
What is Rug Radio - Genesis NFT Floor Price?
Rug Radio - Genesis NFT floor price is 0.21 ETH. Rug Radio - Genesis NFT floor price changed -14.76% in last 24 hours. In 24 hours Rug Radio - Genesis NFT total volume reached to 5.2600999999999996 ETH with 22 sales.